Environment Sustainability Projects |
Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future |
Links to Sustainable Projects of Interest |
Ethical Finance and Investments |
Project related Links and Resources |
Project related Opportunities |
Ecosustainable Projects |
Eco-Estates/Global Eco-Villages |
Links to Sustainable Projects of Interest |  |
Masdar City Ariel Fly Through Abu Dhabi |
Masdar City Ariel Fly Through Abu Dhabi | | Active Projects of Development Alternatives Group – India | Alternative/Sustainable tourism – Haiti and Dominican Republic | Anastasia Estates by Sustainability Partnerships | ARCOSANTI a Prototype Arcology | Bear River Solar Aquatics Waste Water Treatment Plant – Canada | Beddington Zero Energy Development in London (Inhabitat) – UK | Berlin Digital Environmental Atlas | Bremen Initiative – Germany | Building Green From Principle to Practice (NRDC) | Building Integrated Wind Turbines | Celestopea Project – City of Dreams 2011 | Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) – Projects | China Projects – International Center for Sustainable Development | Community Modeling Center – USA | Creating Livable Sustainable Communities (New Urbanism) | Cuba – Sustainability & Community Development | Curitiba References Electronic Sources and Links | Current projects of the Sustainable Forestry Partnership – USA | Dismantling the cities > Cities taking the lead | Earth Homes – The beginning of styles for the new millennia | Earth Island Institute Project Directory | Earth Pledge Foundation – greenroofs and greenwalls projects NYC | Ecocity Builders Projects Building Cities in Balance with Nature | Eco-city (Ekostaden Malmo) – Sweden | Ecofindhorn – creating sustainable community | Ecohouse – Ecology Center California | Eco-Index — Project Search | Eco-Logic Design Philosophy (Sim Van Der Rim) | Eco-Resources – RochesterEnvironment.com | Eden Project … that celebrates life …a sanctuary for all – UK | Efficient transportation for successful urban planning in Curitiba | Egyptian Initiative, Model in Sustainable Living – SEKEM | Energy Saving – Reduce Reuse Recycle: Blog | Environmental Projects in China | European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign Barcelona City | Global Ecovillage Network GEN Europe | Global Environment Facility Projects | Green Architecture Buildings (architecture.mnp) | Green Projects for a Sustainable World | Handmade Projects and Journey to Forever | INDIGENOUS ECOTOURISM & SUST. DEV. RíO BLANCO – ECUADOR | Indigo Development – International Industrial Ecology Research | ING-bank Architecture A. Alberts and M. van Huut | International Centre for Sustainable Cities – Canada | International Sustainable World (Project Olympiad) | Kawasaki City: UNEP Project – Japan | Lizuna-house – Case Study – Japan | Middelgrunden Wind Turbine Co-operative – Denmark | Natural Building Project – StrawBale Studio | North Sea Region Projects – Sweden | One World Projects – Rainforest Preservation Products | Organizations & projects of conservation & ecotourism – Domin. Rep | OUR ENVIRONMENT – BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE | Priority Programme for China’s Agenda 21 | Project Agastya transforming Bangalore into a Sustainable eco-city | Project on Environment, Population and Security – Canada | PROJECTS AND EVENTS FOR LOCAL SUSTAINABILITY – EUROPE | Projects-Participants Sustainable Toronto | Purdue Extension – Sustainable farming programs | Renewable Energy Projects – Canada | Solar Energy Projects and Green Power Program | State of The Green, Denmark’s Solutions for a Greener Future | Stockholm Environment Institute – Projects and Initiatives | Sustainability: Green Grant Projects – Duke University | Sustainable Agriculture Projects (GRACE) – USA | Sustainable Development at Auroville – India | Sustainable Communities ZERI NM Projects – USA | Sustainable Construction – Finland | Sustainable Development EE Why it Matters – USA | Sustainable House built by Michael Mobbs’ – Australia | Sustainable Projects California Green Solutions – USA | Sustainable Projects – Denmark | Sustainable Ireland – A Guide to Sustainability | TakingITGlobal – Action – Projects | The Energy and Resources Institute Projects & Events – India | The International Awards for Liveable Communities | The International Rescue Committee Humanitarian Projects | The Natural Edge Project – Sustainability, Business, … Innovation | The Venus Project – The Redesign of a culture | Tibetan Village Project | Top Ten Green Projects – The American Institute of Architects | Turning India Vision 2020 into Reality | West Stevenage New Sustainable Town – UK | World’s First Zero Emissions Air Car to be produced in India | Zero Energy Housing Map Asia-Pacific Partnership | | Other relevant topics and links | Architecture, Planning, Eco Design (Links Page) | Building, Housing, Urban Development (Links Page) | Renewable Energy, Alternative Technology (Links Page) | Environment & Sustainability Search Engines (Search Page) | |
| Ethical Finance and Investments |  |
| | | Muhammad Yunus – Grameen Bank | | ADA Ethical Investments – Luxembourg | Alternative Financial Institutions – Asia | Association for Sustainable & Responsible Investment in Asia | Australian Ethical Investment | Bank Information Center – USA | Cantor Fitzgerald’s Environmental Brokerage Services | Community Development Venture Capital | Creating Community Currency | Eco Bank – Shore Bank Pacific – USA | Ecology Building Society – Mortgages and Investments – UK | ENVIRONMENT Life Program (European Commission) | Environmental Finance – Socially Responsible Investment | Ethical and Ecological Screening – The Co-operative Bank | Ethical, Environmental and Social Funds – Canada | Ethical Finance Centre | Ethical Finance Report – UK | Ethical Funds – Canada | Ethical Funds – South Interlake Credit Union – Canada | Ethical Investing Guide – Ethical Finance – UK | Ethical Investing Internet Resources | Ethical Investment Association – Australia | Ethical Investment Co-operative – UK | Ethical Investment Research Services – UK | Ethical Investment Services – Australia | Ethical Investor News Blog – UK | Ethical Money The Guardian – UK | European Investment Bank Promoting Sustainable Development | Finance, Calculators & Investments – The Doctor’s Reference Site | Find Partners and Environmental Venture Capital Sources | Foreign Direct Investment – Earth Summit 2002 | Global Environment Facility | Global Resource Bank | GOOD MONEY for the Social Investor, Consumer, and Business | Grameen Bank – removing the need for collateral – Bangladesh | GreenMoney Journal – USA | Industrial Common Ownership Finance (ICOF) – UK | Inter-American Development Bank | International Finance Corporation (IFC) | International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) | Islamic Finance – Le Monde diplomatique | Microcredit and Microfinance The WWW Virtual Library | Microfinance Gateway comprehensive online resource | Raising Money for Sustainable Enterprises | Rocky Mountain Humaine Investing – USA | Social and Ethical Investing, Consuming, and Businesses In France | Social Investment Forum …socially responsible investment – USA | Social Investment Organization – Canada | Socially responsible investing…. corporations mutual funds – USA | Socially responsible investing SRI Compass – Europe | Solar Electric Light Fund > for the developing world | Sustainable Asset Management – Switzerland | Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative (SEFI UNEP) | Sustainable Finance – Seeking Global Financial Security | Sustainable Management Fund – New Zealand | Sustainable Performance Group – Switzerland | Sustainable Technology Investments | The African Development Bank Group | The Asian Development Bank | The Ethical Partnership – Ethical Finance, Ethical Investment… | TimeBanks > A New Currency in Community Building – USA | Transaction Net – Complementary Community Currency Systems | Trillium Asset Management – socially responsible investing | Triodos Bank > a social bank – Netherlands, Belgium, UK | UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) | Venture Capital Sources for Your Green Business | World Bank Carbon Finance Site | | Other relevant topics and links | Business Ethics, Entrepreneurial (Links Page) | |
| Project related Links and Resources |  |
| | | The Eden Project UK | | Best Green Blogs Directory | Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) | Calculate Your Ecological Footprint – Assess your demand on Nature | City Farmer’s Urban Agriculture Notes | CorpWatch.Org Holding Corporations Accountable | Currency Exchange/Converter | Directory of Development Organizations | Eartheasy homepage – Canada | Earth, Environmental & Marine Sciences & Technologies (UNIDO) | Earthfuture – Ideas and Links | EcoSystems Renewable Energy Stocks | Envirobiz – International Environmental Information Network | Environment and Energy (ICC) | Ethical Trading Initiative | European DataBank – Sustainable Development | European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign/Project | Fiscally Green Canada Green Economics | Global Response – Environmental Action and Education Network | Green Economics Institute – UK | Green Tax Shift – Canada | Growing Planet – Replenishing the earth one tree at a time | ICLEI Europe Local Governments for Sustainability | iNS – internetwork for sustainability | Institute for International Cooperation & Devel. Volunteer Abroad | Institute for International and European Environmental Policy | International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity | International Foundation for Science | International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) | International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) | Investors & Environmentalists for Sustainable Prosperity (CERES) | ISO 14000, Environmental Management Systems, and Sustainability | Managing a green, innovative, competitive business – green3.com | MAYRADA building people’s institutions – India | Natural Capitalism-Creating the Next Industrial Revolution | NGOs – India Blacklists 800 NGOs | NGOs – Listing of NGOs affiliated with the United Nations | NGOs – NGO Partnership System – India | NGOs – Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Links (UN) | NGOs – The United Nations NGOs Network | NGOs – World Wide NGO Directory | Renewable Energy Information and Projects (CADDET) | Renewable Energy World News & Information | Small Business Tools – USA | SustainAbility – business strategy and sustainable development | Sustainable Building and Renewable Technologies | Sustainable Cities Network | Sustainable Development in a Diverse World | The Australian Greenhouse Office – Greenhouse Challenge | The Hannover Principles (Mindfully.org) | The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development | The International Corporate Sustainability Reporting Site | The Right-To-Know Network | The Sustainable Village.com Cooperating and Sharing | Visionary and Practical Solutions for Restoring the Earth – Bioneers | What is Sustainable Development? – IISD | World Vision International Gateway | Zero Emissions Forum | |
| Project related Opportunities |  |
| | | Learning from a barefoot movement: Bunker Roy | | Development through Enterprise NextBillion Net | ENVIROBIDNET – Grow you business, Change the world | Environmental Projects ProWorld | Environmental Volunteer Projects Together Green | Environment Canada – Water – Funding Opportunities | Environment Volunteering – UK | Enviro Opportunities IFC Identifying Opportunities | European Commission – Environment – Funding | European Partners for the Environment | Find Partners and Environmental Venture Capital Sources | Funding Opportunities Green Building US EPA | Gambia Help Health Education and Sustainability | Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation | India Rural Development Fund- Environmental Projects | India Sustainable Development Project Funding Partnerships | International Environmental Services Projects (RTI) – India | International Finance and Trust Seeks Viable Green, LEED Projects | International Volunteering Opportunities in India | International volunteer opportunities in Italy | Internship Opportunities Foundation for Sustainable Development | Living Routes – India: Integral Sustainability at Auroville | Looking to invest in green projects NuWire Investor | Online Database and Resources of Indian NGOs, NPOs, VOs | Partnership in Environmental Management for the Seas (PEMSEA) | Projects – India Scaling Up Sustainable and Responsible Microfinance | SDD projects in India LEAD International | Seizing India’s Sustainable Investment Opportunities (WRI) | Social and Environmental Volunteering (SE7EN) | Student Opportunities in Environmental Law (UNC) – USA | Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign – Europe | Sustainable Community Development through Travel | Sustainable Consumption Opportunities for Europe Project (UNEP) | UNIDO launches projects worth US$9 M, benefiting industry in India | United Nations (UN) Foundation Partnership Opportunities | Urban Environment Organizations Working for Sustainability – USA | Volunteer in ecoDestinations Ecotourism (TIES) | Wildlife and international conservation volunteering | Working Abroad: Find Volunteer Work Abroad in Over 150 Countries | |
Other relevant topics and links |
Business Ethics, Entrepreneurial (Links Page) |
Project related Links and Resources |  |
The Eden Project UK |
Best Green Blogs Directory |
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) |
Calculate Your Ecological Footprint – Assess your demand on Nature |
City Farmer’s Urban Agriculture Notes |
CorpWatch.Org Holding Corporations Accountable |
Currency Exchange/Converter |
Directory of Development Organizations |
Eartheasy homepage – Canada |
Earth, Environmental & Marine Sciences & Technologies (UNIDO) |
Earthfuture – Ideas and Links |
EcoSystems Renewable Energy Stocks |
Envirobiz – International Environmental Information Network |
Environment and Energy (ICC) |
Ethical Trading Initiative |
European DataBank – Sustainable Development |
European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign/Project |
Fiscally Green Canada Green Economics |
Global Response – Environmental Action and Education Network |
Green Economics Institute – UK |
Green Tax Shift – Canada |
Growing Planet – Replenishing the earth one tree at a time |
ICLEI Europe Local Governments for Sustainability |
iNS – internetwork for sustainability |
Institute for International Cooperation & Devel. Volunteer Abroad |
Institute for International and European Environmental Policy |
International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity |
International Foundation for Science |
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) |
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) |
Investors & Environmentalists for Sustainable Prosperity (CERES) |
ISO 14000, Environmental Management Systems, and Sustainability |
Managing a green, innovative, competitive business – green3.com |
MAYRADA building people’s institutions – India |
Natural Capitalism-Creating the Next Industrial Revolution |
NGOs – India Blacklists 800 NGOs |
NGOs – Listing of NGOs affiliated with the United Nations |
NGOs – NGO Partnership System – India |
NGOs – Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Links (UN) |
NGOs – The United Nations NGOs Network |
NGOs – World Wide NGO Directory |
Renewable Energy Information and Projects (CADDET) |
Renewable Energy World News & Information |
Small Business Tools – USA |
SustainAbility – business strategy and sustainable development |
Sustainable Building and Renewable Technologies |
Sustainable Cities Network |
Sustainable Development in a Diverse World |
The Australian Greenhouse Office – Greenhouse Challenge |
The Hannover Principles (Mindfully.org) |
The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development |
The International Corporate Sustainability Reporting Site |
The Right-To-Know Network |
The Sustainable Village.com Cooperating and Sharing |
Visionary and Practical Solutions for Restoring the Earth – Bioneers |
What is Sustainable Development? – IISD |
World Vision International Gateway |
Zero Emissions Forum |
Project related Opportunities |  |
Learning from a barefoot movement: Bunker Roy |
Development through Enterprise NextBillion Net |
ENVIROBIDNET – Grow you business, Change the world |
Environmental Projects ProWorld |
Environmental Volunteer Projects Together Green |
Environment Canada – Water – Funding Opportunities |
Environment Volunteering – UK |
Enviro Opportunities IFC Identifying Opportunities |
European Commission – Environment – Funding |
European Partners for the Environment |
Find Partners and Environmental Venture Capital Sources |
Funding Opportunities Green Building US EPA |
Gambia Help Health Education and Sustainability |
Global Knowledge Partnership Foundation |
India Rural Development Fund- Environmental Projects |
India Sustainable Development Project Funding Partnerships |
International Environmental Services Projects (RTI) – India |
International Finance and Trust Seeks Viable Green, LEED Projects |
International Volunteering Opportunities in India |
International volunteer opportunities in Italy |
Internship Opportunities Foundation for Sustainable Development |
Living Routes – India: Integral Sustainability at Auroville |
Looking to invest in green projects NuWire Investor |
Online Database and Resources of Indian NGOs, NPOs, VOs |
Partnership in Environmental Management for the Seas (PEMSEA) |
Projects – India Scaling Up Sustainable and Responsible Microfinance |
SDD projects in India LEAD International |
Seizing India’s Sustainable Investment Opportunities (WRI) |
Social and Environmental Volunteering (SE7EN) |
Student Opportunities in Environmental Law (UNC) – USA |
Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign – Europe |
Sustainable Community Development through Travel |
Sustainable Consumption Opportunities for Europe Project (UNEP) |
UNIDO launches projects worth US$9 M, benefiting industry in India |
United Nations (UN) Foundation Partnership Opportunities |
Urban Environment Organizations Working for Sustainability – USA |
Volunteer in ecoDestinations Ecotourism (TIES) |
Wildlife and international conservation volunteering |
Working Abroad: Find Volunteer Work Abroad in Over 150 Countries |
Other relevant topics and links |
Business Ethics, Entrepreneurial (Links Page) |
Ecosustainable Projects (aknowledging Elder Brothers) |  |
From The Heart Of The World-The Elder Brothers Warning |
Healthy Homes and Eco-Sustainable Interiors |
- Design and development of cost-effective Healthy Homes packages to include sustainable alternative energies, eco-compatible materials, water and effluent treatment systems.
- Design and development of Interior furniture and furnishing products using natural finishes and materials, sourcing timbers from sustainably managed resources.
Eco-Sustainable Village |
Construction and development of approximately one hundred units including services, retail and recreation facilities such as swimming pool, health care centre, local arts and crafts centre. |
Approximately 20 hectares for the first stage and an additional 20 hectares for the second stage of development. |
These units to be constructed with natural materials sourced locally where possible. The interiors and exteriors in eco-compatible natural finishes, forms and colours that harmonise with the local surroundings and environment. |
Clean energy sources like solar heating, photovoltaic panels, wind, compatible electric wiring, etc. Eco-compatible heating and cooling systems. |
- Waste, water and effluent disposal
Internal treatment and recycling package. |
| | |
Waste to energy conversion (green electricity) |
- Solid Waste Energy Recycling Facility with the annual capacity of 150,000 tonnes of household waste to generate sufficient power for 12,000 households.
- The technology to have one of the most environmentally sustainable options for the treatment of waste. Separating high value recyclables such as metals, plastics and glass from the organic matter. The organic pulp is then transformed into biogas which is to be used in the production of electricity.
- Environmental benefits will include; the reduction of landfill putrescible materials, the recovery of high value recyclable materials, as well as substantial greenhouse gas abatement by offsetting the use of methane generating virgin fossil fuels for electricity generation with biogas.
| | |
Energy efficient lighting |
- ESD is interested in the development and distribution of energy efficient lighting systems for domestic and public sectors. These systems to include LED, compact fluorescent and high efficiency linear fluorescent lighting.
| | |
International centre for sustainable living |
- Ecosustainable living models with infrastructure and facilities
- Ecosustainable display homes, offices and recreational facilities
- Ecosustainable education, research and development
- International exchange centre for sustainability
Eco-Estates/Global Eco-Villages |  |
An Introduction to the Findhorn Foundation |
Ecovillages: Thoughts on igniting a revolution >>> |
by Reinhold Ziegler and Chris Cogswell |
A major key to their long-term success is helping them go from “good idea” to “economic and ecological imperative.” Another key to their success is creating designs for a superior way of life that are so compelling to the general public that their adoption becomes but a matter of time. Here are some suggestions toward these ends. |
Economic Abundance, Time Freedom, Genetic Potential, and Ecological Integrity |
The idealized and emerging ecovillage is a wonderful thing. No doubt permeating modern life with insights and technologies designed to enhance ecological balance and social cohesiveness is a vast improvement over the status quo. However, because of the speed of ecological breakdown on planet Earth, it is essential that we make ecovillages more than a good idea – they must be inevitable, irresistible, and unstoppable, and their proliferation must solve many of humanity’s most intractable problems at the same time. Ensuring this requires tapping the two most powerful forces on the planet – Nature and evolution itself. |
Life in the 21st century western world is characterized by greed, speed, and scarcity. All around the world people know that there is something wrong with the status quo, but what alternative is there? With the fall of Communism as an (even theoretical) alternative, there is truly no robust challenge to the hegemony of global capitalism; that is, except Nature. While capitalism wars with the biosphere, pitting citizens by design against the interests of their children and grandchildren, ecovillages can offer a powerful alternative, but only by working with, and very respectfully, harnessing the vast forces of Nature. We can unleash the ecovillage revolution without having to beg for money, ask for permission, or wait for decades until the oceans rise and everyone finally wakes up. All we need is to find one person with a few million dollars who wants to help turn things around on this planet (and double their investment). |
There is nothing more abundant than a seed, carrying within it the potential for a whole tree which, over its lifetime, will produce countless seeds and other abundance. In fact, for sheer, outrageous excess, Nature knows no equal. By harnessing this abundance through Eco-Estates and added-value production, we can ensure the creation of ecovillages all around the world, for time immemorial. With one investment of $12 million, a “Mother Grove” can be established on 1000 acres of land in need of regeneration by pioneering ecovillagers. Over the next 10 years, imagine if the $200 million in revenues (conservatively estimated) from this grove were apportioned in the following ways: ($ in US Dollars) |
$24 million – Investor returns <> $11 million – GEN (or other global co-ordinating body/network) <> $10 million – Mother Grove operations <> $10 million – Mother Grove Ecovillage (self supporting) <> $10 million – Establish Center for Ecology, Entrepreneurship, and Ecovillages to train people in the ways of sustainable agriculture/forestry, ecological business/natural capitalism, and ecovillage design (self-supporting) <> $15 million – Establish global Gaia Bank for ecovillages and their businesses <> $120 million – Creation of 10 new “Mother Groves” around the world, on all continents (interest-bearing investment, repaid over 10 years) |
This is not a get rich quick scheme – rather, it is about getting rich slowly but surely, and using the wealth to heal the planet. By the year 2020, with ten Mother Groves around the world, total revenues will be $2 billion, and 20 million trees will have been planted. A precondition for the creation of these Mother Groves would be that they would be required to invest 60% of revenues in new Groves: ten per decade per grove. The exponential growth of these groves would yield over a hundred thousand groves with ecovillages, over 30 billion trees planted, and trillions of dollars in total revenues by 2050. Such a plan would present the world an irresistable alternative to the status quo, and would make ecovillages truly inevitable and unstoppable, |
Year # Groves/Ecovillages Global Revenues # Trees Planted To Date <> 2011 11 $200 million 200,000 <> 2021 110 $2 billion 20.2 million <> 2031 1,100 $20 billion 220.2 million <> 2041 11,000 $2 trillion 2.2 billion <> 2051 110,000 $20 trillion 22.2 billion |
Such a plan would go a long way toward eliminating money as a limiting factor for the development of ecovillages around the world, and could easily form the basis for an entirely new global currency and economy based on a sustainable, regenerative relationship with nature. This plan would fix carbon massively, thus benefiting the biosphere and helping to reduce global warming. Keep in mind that as these measures are shown to be successful and superior to the status quo, their rapid adoption around the globe could result in figures that dwarf those listed above. |
Additionally, a new culture based on sustainable abundance, diversity, co-operation, and the celebration of humanity’s genetic potential could be established. Were these groves to also emphasize synergistic, sustainable, high quality nutrient-dense added-value food production, they could be beacons of light for humanity, leading the way toward an era of optimal health, magnificent physical development, and productive/creative longevity. After the assaults of the 20th century, humanity’s degenerative spiral could stop, and our physical and spiritual evolution could resume in full force. |
(Imagine global codes of conduct that include a maximum 20 hour work week, creative co-operation, celebration of nature, and lots of creative expression, culture, and fun! All made possible by the fabulous abundance of the ecologically designed Groves….) |